
When making a Laser Pointer device

One thing which I would love to see is more detail in focusing the High power green laser pointers . At the moment I am looking to build some laser measuring equipment for some projects without having to drop the exorbitant amount of money which these things cost.FYI for the housing, aluminium, brass, or copper would be ideal candidates... although aluminium is more fragile, and brass is less heat conductive.
The Cat chasing green laser pointer diode was from a dvd reader (burners are more powerful) the componesta were both from old boards and from ebay.Great a 9 Volt battery is "three AAA's". Aside from that it kinda reminds you of a "Zippo" lighter. So,I Was thinking the Zippo would be very cool looking Laser and thinking it would be nice to have a Laser in a package that size maybe the length of the two halfs of the zippo case together.
You all know that when making a Laser Pointer device, the most difficult part it's focusing without buying a module.So here it is, a complet guide about how to make a focusable laser module with parts you have lying around.

Everybody havs heared about aixiz module, but they're expensive, at least if you know you can do something similar for free.This module is not recomended for laser engraving machine diodes over 300mW, because lens can melt and it's not the best heatsink.

Green Laser Pointer 3000mw
The goals I wanted to achieve are:
-Make it easily focusable.
-Make it with household parts.
-make it nice and durable.
I'm very happy with the final results, the module acts as heatsink and it can focus the laser to a single burning point or a beam.

Simple, elegant and do-able by people without access to aixiz modules (I thought that this was going to be another "DIY laser module" that goes and lists an aixiz module in the part list).As for the missing laser warning, it would have been nice ... but, do anyone building a laser-whatever need to be warned that something that burns need to be pointed away from the eyes? Do matches come with a warning that says "Do not stick burning match nor flying spark in eye"?

